2023年11月7日 — Uncountable food is the opposite of countable food because it does not make sense to talk about it with numbers. For example, “bread” is an ...
2019年5月2日 — “Food” is an uncountable noun, but you can sometimes use “foods” when you're referring to specific kinds of food. Here are some examples where ...
Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable with little difference in meaning (e.g., fruit, food, cheese). Many of these are food words. In conversation, ...
food → uncountable. Meaning: things that people or animals eat. Example sentence: If you want to lose weight, you should eat less food. food → countable.
2018年4月2日 — The word food is usually uncountable. Like water or air, food is generally a mass noun that cannot be counted. For example, The refugees ...
food noun [countable, uncountable] things that people and animals eatYou can buy good fresh food in the market.Do you like Japanese food? · dish noun [countable] ...
2020年12月18日 — “Food” is usually used as a non-count (or uncountable) noun. Non-count nouns are neither singular nor plural; they are non-count. Only count ...